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Shannon Mullane is a freelance journalist and photographer specializing in multimedia and investigative reporting. She focuses on political and environmental issues, primarily rural communities, natural hazards, agriculture, and social and environmental justice.


Her reporting has taken her to the western slopes and eastern plains of Colorado, while her photography has led her through 11 countries and six states in the American West. Shannon’s work has appeared in The Colorado Independent, CU Independent, Under the Flatirons and The Tennessee Journalist.


As an undergraduate, Shannon explored the political structures and cultures of Latin America, Southeast Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. She studied French language and culture and European political and environmental issues as an exchange student at Université Pierre Mendes France in the French Alps. Shannon culminated her studies by producing a short documentary on refugee resettlement issues in Tennessee.


In May 2019, Shannon will graduate with a master’s degree in journalism and an area of expertise in environmental issues.


When Shannon isn't writing, her interests turn to the outdoors, reading, dancing, and studying French and Spanish. For opportunities and news tips, please email her at

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